In 1939, Canada entered the Second World War. The Royal was suspended during the span of WWII while the Coliseum was transformed into the No. 1 Manning Depot, a training grounds for the RCAF, which accommodated up to 5000 personnel. Frank Sorensen was one such trainee, and wrote letters to his mother and father about his time at No. 1 Manning. Here is an excerpt on his daily routine while in training: "Get up at 6:00, make my bed, polish my boots and buttons, wash and go for breakfast. P.T. parade at 7:45 in fatigue clothes, we are marched outside and the Corp. chases us round the place. It’s just wonderful to have P.T. in weather 10 degrees above. One really has to work to keep warm. After P.T. we have squad drill until 11:30. Then I go to my bunk and rest a bit. I am a little tired especially my shoulders but the more it hurts the more I work with it. Tomorrow I don’t think I’ll feel anything. After dinner I have to be at another parade or route march at 1:30 and at 4:15 we are through for the day. I go to my bunk, rest, shine my buttons, I am awfully tired but after my daily shower I feel perfect. I shave twice a week. Supper at about 5:00, then I line up for my mail if any and I wish again that my name began with anything but S."

Vicki Sorensen

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